“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”-Muhammad Ali

Exhausted yet happy, are the two simultaneous feelings I have when leaving a super-charged HIIT Kickboxing class taught by Nationally certified expert fitness Jordan Manning at Rock Box Fitness. 

Some mornings, when the alarm goes off at 5 AM, and I drag myself out of bed to attend Jordan’s class, I feel like a fearless warrior. Many other mornings, when life is weighing heavy on me from the lack of sleep due to nursing an infant and caring for a toddler, I am mentally defeated. Regardless of how I show up to class, Jordan ALWAYS shows up. He always has the energy, zeal, and motivation to take over a class and encourage me and every other student attending, to tap into the spaces of insecurity, fear, and self-doubt. 


Once I tap into these spaces, I then punch them, kick them, uppercut them, slam them with a medicine ball, Superman punch, and burpee these feelings away. All in one dynamic HIIT workout. 

When I leave class, I am not only physically stronger, but my mind and my emotional strength are intact, and I am ready to serve the world. 

Jordan’s classes are hard. The high intensity, sweaty kickboxing infused training coupled with a mean dose of cardio building resistance and stamina work, are all critical ingredients for a successful fitness routine. 

Why am I so eager to get in shape? The answer is simple: I want to be able to chase after my children. I want the energy to keep up with them and not be too tired. 

The physical restrictions of two pregnancies back to back weighed me down. I had to get my life together, and that started with getting in shape post babies. 

The greatest gift you can give your children  is to be healthy as you age. 

This way, they are not restricted by having to care for you as you get older because you are physically unable to care for yourself. 

Jordan’s energy and motivation remind you that you can do anything you put your mind to. 


His class reminds you that hard work and consistency are essential ingredients for success. As adults grow older, sometimes we put limitations on what we can accomplish. Sometimes we stop dreaming; we stop believing in the impossible. We must never allow life’s beat downs and setbacks to make us downgrade our expectations of greatness. We are not born with limitations; instead, we create them as we progress in life. We must always remind that little voice inside of us that WE can achieve anything we put our minds to. If you need some help amplifying your low voice, attend one of Jordan’s classes. He will empower that voice and give you a microphone. 

Check out my interview with Jordan to gain an intimate understanding of how he is empowering the world through physical fitness. 

DOM: Do you have a motto or mantra you live by? 

Jordan: Spread love, much love. I believe that love is the key ingredient to true happiness, and love has the ultimate power to change this world. You never know what someone is going through, so everyday I try to make a positive impact with anyone I cross paths with.


DOM: Who has inspired you to be courageous? 

Jordan: Recently, my first born. Aria. She has inspired me to be courageous and take action on things that I have been holding off on doing. 

DOM: What motivates you to pour into others and encourage them to be their best selves mentally and physically? 

Jordan: The fact that I have the opportunity to help people break their own self limiting beliefs is what motivates me the most. In the fitness industry, the mindset is first to go. So I love to help break this statistic and help people of all fitness levels, beginner or advanced, level up their fitness journey and become mentally and physically fit.  

DOM: How do you find balance as a husband, father, and entrepreneur? 


Jordan: Making sure I’m grounded personally so that I bring great energy to my family, my work, and my personal life. 

DOM: What inspired you to pursue a career in fitness? 

Jordan: I believe in divine intervention. My background has always been coaching, athletic coaching to be exact and helping individuals overcome challenges. As I was going through a particular season in my life, people were speaking things into my life and it all led to the health and wellness area. Many opportunities were presenting themselves in this field, so it was evident that this was my calling. From there, I fully invested myself in it and it has changed my life tremendously. 

DOM: What does it mean to leave a legacy? 

Jordan: When I think about leaving a legacy, I first think about my grandfather. When my family and I experienced his death, I realized the impact that he left on his family, his peers, and his church. The one word that sums it all up is leadership. When my time is up on this earth, I want know that I lived my life in service to others and are they fulfilling their life purpose because of what I poured into them. I want to make sure that anything they learned from me, is positively helping them shape the lives of others. That’s legacy. Making an impact once your time is up. Because if you do, that means you’ve made a difference on this earth. 

DOM: Why did you create the @WESWEATANDSERVE Movement?


Jordan: The We Sweat And Serve Movement is a collaboration between two of my hearts desires, fitness and my passion for serving my community. It is an opportunity for everyday people to do extraordinary things through the simple art of exercise. We partner with nonprofit organizations to raise funds for notable causes.

Follow Jordan @jmanningg during his fitness journey and as he leads the masses forward. 

DSLB x Train with Jay Speed Round

1. Biggie or Tupac? Biggie

2. What gangsta rap song do you sing in the shower? Boosie “Set it off” 

3. Favorite power ranger? Red Ranger

4. Fill in the blank: Beyoncé is... “an icon”

5. Would you rather speak every language or talk to animals? “Talk to animals” 

6. Dawn or dusk? Dawn 

7. Favorite Kanye line? I know I got angels watching me from the other side. -never let me down 

8. If you were a cookie what flavor would you be? “Peanut butter” 

9. Cake or pie? Pie 

10. Tapas or pasta? Pasta 

11. Ask permission or beg for forgiveness? Ask for Permission